
2 years and still counting (2)

Continued from here

So...I was not able to attend the prayer this year.

I was kind of expecting that Facebook would be a full of posts about 2 years ago, but things were more 'as usual' than I thought. More pictures of babies of my ex classmates, more shared posts of George Takei, more posts by our Ministry of Foreign Affairs - all of which do not talk about the earthquake. I know this is a good thing. Facebook is full of fun. But then again, I feel a bit guilty for enjoying it.

It is not that everyone is forgetting about it. It is not that everyone is 'done' with the past. And I should embrace the fact that we are finding things that make us happy everyday despite that we had a horrible, horrible disaster which took away lives of so many.

But then again, I feel guilty.

It is partially because I am away. It may be because I have not done much for the people suffering. 

So...on this day (though it is not technically March 11th now) I once again swear to myself: I will keep searching for ways to help out.

I hope this feeling of 'guilt' keeps me going. Going in a sense that I will do whatever I can, to make up these 2 years of being away from my people, those days which I could have spent for my people.

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