
Timely 働くおばちゃんたち(続き) Some parts written in English


So I have been a bit worried about my hair these days. My "sister" M (who has been in and out of this university for the past few years) said when she first came here she noticed she was losing a lot of hair, probably due to the water, food, stress, and so on.

As I think of it, I feel like more hair is on my towel or may hairbrush after I wash my hair these days. Am I going to lose it all in 2 years? No way...! X(

So I asked my mom to send me some seaweed - rich in mineral - which we the Japanese believe nourishes hair. I am waiting for her box to arrive...

For some reason (do they know?) I started receiving this SMS a few days ago:

Receding hairline is a sign on Hair Loss. Can be treasted & cured with timely treatment. Treat it now with Homeopathy at Dr. Batra's. sms DRB to 56070 for more

I got the same SMS daily, for 3 days. Do they know?

I was flipping newspaper this morning. As I have visited Hospet, Karnataka, a few years back (which is under the illegal iron mining scandal), a picture heading "A mine in Goa" caught my eye, and started reading this article. Underneath this article, I found this:

no more
hair hall
With Trichup Root Activators

Nuts, they know for real, don't they?

(BTW the article was good. I never knew Goa had more than beaches.)


So tomorrow is the local bodies election day. The new state government promised, and has been promising that we are going to have sufficient electricity supply. But with increasing price in coal and continuing rain, we have frequent power cut/blackout. A few days ago we had no electricity from 9-ish in the morning to 6-ish in the evening. I know, you kinda get used to it.

Being it Sunday and me being a good student, my entire day was spent on writing homework. The subject was critical analysis of business units, for my Entrepreneurship class (or paper - the term for a "class"). Anyways, I was writing what factors cause continuous decline in producticity of small scale industries in India.

I wrote some points down, and looked outside. It was POURING. I sent an SMS to my friend:

I can smell power cut is coming...

I looked down to write the next point. It was:

Power shortage

Oh, even the book knew.

As the book sugested power cut did come, and I had to write it under a flashlight.


There is a construction work going on close to my dorm. Because of this we have no supply of treated drinking water here (cuz the water deliver people cannot pass the pathway to our dorm). Well, that's another story.

So a few days back I wrote about these ladies who are at the sight, carrying cement (?) on metal plates, on their head, and going back and forth in line. I am amazed to see women in construction around here - they are common - cuz I don't think I have ever see women in construction work in my country, unless they are directing the traffic during road constructions.

And I found this article on newspaper today:

Women at the bottom of the ladder

Okay I am swithing here:



  • 建築に関わる男性の多くは若いころから見習いとして職人のそばで働き技術を身につける。成長して自立するころには立派な職人になっている。
  • それに対して女性はどんなに長く建築に関わっていてもlabor(労働者)レベルから成長することができない。
  • 男性の職人になぜ女性が職人になれないのか聞いてみると「女性は高いところに登れないから」「女性が職人の仕事をするのは身体的にムリ」などと意見が挙げられるが、女性も同じように高いところで作業をしているし、子どもを背負って作業をしているのに身体的にムリというのはおかしい。
  • 若い女性がオトコばかりの建築現場で身体的にキツい仕事をするのはよろしくない、と家族は思っている。でも彼女たちが成長したときに家の事情が苦しいと、女性たちは建築の仕事につく(つかされる)。この時点で若いころから働いてきた男性たちに技術面で追いつくのはムリ。
  • 建築現場監督に言わせれば、女性たちがやった方が仕事キッチリだし、女性は酒を飲んでトラブルを起こすこともないし、働いたお金は家族のためにきちんと使うんだから、とのこと。でもだからといって女性を多く雇用したり女性にもっと賃金を払うわけじゃない。
  • タミルナドゥではたいてい建築現場で働く男性は1日平均で306ルピー稼ぐ。それに対し女性は165ルピー。理由は「男性の仕事の方が大変だから」。でも男性も女性も同じような仕事をしているのは事実。
  • 2004年の津波のあと(タミルナドゥも被害を受けました)、復興のために女性の職人を育てるという政府のプログラムができた。NGO等も同じようなプログラムを行っている。女性たちは技能や知識を身につけている。でも問題は、そんな女性たちに職人としての仕事がないいうこと。工事を任せる側もまだ女性職人を採用しようと思わないのが現実。



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